Wednesday, February 24, 2010

One Last Stop

The Tokyo I'll be dreaming about doesn't start and end with anime and neon. Beautiful leaves, amazing fish. The cozy, clean smells of tatami and nori. The way that my neighborhood or any given park could be so quiet.

From Tokyo

I spent six days here, a laughable amount of time when compared against the rest of my trip. It's not a part of Southeast Asia and it wasn't a part of my initial plan. Japan could easily be it's own separate trip. But I was lucky enough to get a Tokyo-to-Atlanta buddy pass, so why not check out the city while I'm there? The timing was perfect: there was autumn weather, it's a large city, things cost money... It was a wonderful environment to be in on my way home.

From Tokyo

It definitely whet my appetite to see more of the country, and I certainly will someday. Until then, here are a few photos.

From Tokyo

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